While this summer may look a little (or a lot!) different than past summers, there is still fun to be had while staying at home. It may feel a little like there’s nothing to do, but with some imagination and a few supplies, you and your kids can have some fun while you’re at home.
Obstacle Course
Create your own obstacle course with literally anything from around the house. Make it inside or outside…or both! Use tape to mark the direction / instructions: arrows for directions, dotted lines for hopping, diagonal lines for a silly walk, circles for spins, etc. Grab chairs, laundry baskets, ottomans, pillows, blankets, broom sticks, cones, anything! Create a path that requires your kids to jump, hop, leap, crawl, crab walk, limbo, any movement that keeps kids going and laughing through the course.
Water and Sidewalk Chalk Paint
These are great for big kids and little ones too! For water painting, simply fill a cup with water and some paint brushes and let them go to town “painting” walkways and outdoor walls with water.
For chalk paint, mix equal parts cornstarch and water (1/2 cup each) and add liquid food color to the desired shade. Mix in a muffin tin and turn your kids loose to paint the sidewalks and walkways. Practice letters, numbers, addition, or create a masterpiece!
Reading Challenge
Create your own reading challenge for your entire family. Set a goal using the number of words, number of books, amount of time, anything that inspires your kids to pick up a book. Use a chart to track progress and stick to a schedule to help stay on track.
This is also a great excuse to get your kids to help you do a little clean up. Pick an area to create a Book Nook – this could be a corner of their room, or a little closet, anywhere that is cozy and fun. Clear it out, and then add a comfy seat, a lamp, and of course books!
Camp Out
No need for a road trip to camp – set up shop in your own back yard! No tent? No problem! Sleep under the stars our build a fort to sleep under. String up Christmas lights, bring some speakers, build a faux bonfire with a few candles and voila! It’s camping time.
Movie Night
This is a lot of fun and can be done a few ways. You can designate a night a week to sit down together and watch a movie. Maybe it’s a classic, maybe it’s a new release. Or rotate which family member gets to pick the weekly movie – or even rotate themes. Make popcorn, sell “tickets”, turn the lights off, and snuggle in!
If the camp out is a hit, consider renting or purchasing a projector that works with your mobile device. Find a blank wall, or string up a white sheet to project the night’s movie. Or plan a Dive In movie where everyone gets to watch from their favorite spot in the pool.
Need Some More Summer Fun Ideas?
Click over to our blog to find out more ways to stay entertained this summer!