Hooray! It’s finally winter break! Time to take a breath from the daily schedule and enjoy the down time. But, all that fun and lack of routine can quickly turn into chaos. So how do you manage the fun so it stays fun? Here are our tips to make this winter break one to remember:
Get Outdoors
It can be easy to decide that venturing outside is just too much of a hassle. And let’s be honest, it is a hassle. So take the expectations down a bit. You don’t have to venture far or have a grand adventure planned, just take a walk. You can walk right out the door and do something simple like blow bubbles (they freeze!) or snow paint with spray bottles full of Kool Aid. If a snow man is out of reach, then how about a mini snow city that your kids can drive their trucks through, around and over? Or take some bowls and spoons outdoors for play cooking!
Plan a Trip
A trip doesn’t have to be a long stay, day trips are often just as fun with less work! Research a destination within a few hours of your home. Pack a picnic lunch and head out the door. Get your kids excited about your adventure by studying about the place you’re headed. When you get home, have them draw pictures about their favorite part of the day.
Don’t Forget to Learn!
Head to a local museum, the library or even a theatrical performance with your kids. There are many theater companies that do special performances for children making it a fun experience for them rather than a long boring one! Many libraries will offer free cultural passes to other venues so head there in the morning and plan out your day when you see what passes are available.
You can also keep it simple at home! Read a book, or have your children write and illustrate their own books. Practice handwriting and typing skills by reaching out to friends and family with letters and emails. Play games such as going through the alphabet and finding items around the house that start with each letter.
Keep (mostly) to the Routine
One of the best parts of winter break is a break from the routine! But that break can make it oh so hard to get back to it. So while small deviations are ok, keep bedtime around the same time as usual. It may seem a little tough now, but it will make for happier kiddos throughout the break and an easier transition back to reality.