Veterans Day is right around the corner. This special day helps to unite us in honor of the brave men and women who give so much for our country. We wanted to share some ideas and resources to help teach the kids in your life about this important holiday.
Common Questions Kids Have About Veterans Day
- What is Veterans Day, and why do we celebrate it?
- Is Veterans Day for everyone who served?
- Why is Veterans Day on the 11th?
- Is Memorial Day the same as Veterans Day?
Veterans Day was originally known as Armistice Day and is celebrated annually on November 11th. The holiday honors all Veterans, whether they served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, or Space Force. Veterans Day is celebrated on November 11th, which marked the end of World War I, formally recognized on the “11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month” in 1918. Veterans Day honors all Vets, while Memorial Day pays special recognition to those who lost their life while serving our country.
Activities to Teach Kids About Veterans Day
Attend a Parade – many cities and towns across the country will hold Veterans Day parades. Make it a point to attend one of these parades with your family, showing your support and gratitude on the sidelines.
Write Letters or Draw Pictures – Both are great ways to have children express gratitude to those who have served. You can take up a collection of these notes and drawings and deliver them to a Veteran’s home near you.
Invite a Veteran Over for Dinner – Most of us have a friend or family member who has served in the armed forces. Veterans Day is the perfect time to invite them over for a homemade meal and some quality time.
Resources to Teach Children More About Veterans Day
Military.com is a news and resource website for military members, veterans, and their families. They have created this great list of 10 ways to teach your kids about Veterans Day.
Pre-K Pages offer incredible crafts and activities to help teach kids about Veterans Day, Memorial Day, and all things patriotic!
Do you have some great tips for teaching kids about Veterans Day? Let us know on Facebook!