Sometimes you just need a good excuse to have some fun! We’ve got you covered with fun national holidays that you and your family can celebrate all month long! Here are a few of our favorite (and silly!) national holidays happening in April:
April 1st: April Fool’s Day
A classic! Have some fun with some simple and harmless pranks! Wrap grapes up in candy wrappers, freeze a bowl of cereal with the spoon in it, or whip up some “brown e’s”. Click here for some more funny ideas.
April 5th: Walk to Work Day
If work is too far, walk to school or even just go for a long walk together!
April 11: National Grilled Cheese Day
Stick with the classic or mix it up! Use different cheeses like mozzarella, provolone, cheddar, or combine a few. Add in some other ingredients like bacon, sliced turkey, or even apple slices for a fun take on this delicious recipe.
April 13: National Scrabble Day
Scrabble is a great way to practice spelling! Whip out the board and start making those tiles spell your favorite words.
April 17: Haiku Poetry Day
Haiku poems are different than the rhyming poems most of us are used to. haikus only have 3 lines, the first and third with 5 syllables, the second with 7. A haiku is a descriptive poem and should be thought of as a small window looking into a larger space. This is a perfect way to practice for kids learning about syllables:
What Am I?
Mane, hair, and bridal
Running free through the pasture
Tall strong beauty
The answer? A horse!
April 22: Earth Day
A wonderful way to teach our kids about the importance of taking care of our planet! Click over to our post about the perfect ways to celebrate Earth Day.
April 24: Arbor Day
Piggy backing on Earth Day, Arbor Day is all about celebrating trees. Consider planting a sapling in your yard, or starting one from a seed. Check out your local gardens to see if they have any planting activities, or organize your school to help plant a new tree on campus.