“I just like to smile, smiling’s my favorite.”
Buddy the Elf
There isn’t anyone out there who couldn’t benefit from a smile. The idea of World Smile Day is attributed to Harvey Ball, the creator of the iconic yellow smiley face. Harvey passed away in 2001, and the “Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation” was created to honor his memory and ideals. The Foundation continues as the official sponsor of World Smile Day each year. The day is about more than just smiling, it is about spreading kindness in a world that needs it more than ever. We’ve made this fun list of ways you can get people smiling in your life. You’ll be surprised at how great it makes you feel!
Smile at Others
The easiest way to make people smile is to offer them one of your own! Make it a point to smile, be friendly, and say hi to the people you meet throughout the day. A friendly hello from a stranger can make all the difference in someone’s day. It is a small act with potentially HUGE results.
Leave a Great Tip
Great service deserves a great tip. For World Smile Day, maybe choose to give a little extra when dining out or parking your car. A little extra cash is certain to put a smile on someone’s face both for the monetary value and for the recognition of a job well done.
Visit a Nursing Home or Hospital
Visiting a nursing home or hospital can be rewarding for both you and the patients. Many older Americans live in nursing homes, some with limited friends or family coming to see them. Having a visitor can make a world of difference in their day, attitude, and condition. The experience will likely bring a smile to your face as well!
Offer Food or Supplies
There are many people out there with financial struggles. This can make it difficult to purchase food, toiletries, or living supplies. There are many ways to help people in these situations. You can donate to a local food bank, volunteer at a local shelter, or make up bags of necessities to offer to the areas homeless.
Leave a Note
If you receive good service, have a kind neighbor, or are enthralled by a local street artist, write a note to let them know! It’s an unexpected surprise that will put a smile on their face. You can sign it or be anonymous, but either way, your note will make someone’s day.
There are many ways you can spread joy and kindness. Let us know your plans for World Smile Day over on Facebook!