All year, kids across the country count down the days until their summer break. But in many households, after just a few hours in, you will inevitably hear the words… “I’m bored!” While we love having them home more, keeping children entertained 24/7 can be a daunting task. Here are a few ideas to try this summer that will keep the kids occupied for more than 5 minutes!
Plant a Garden
Planting a garden is a great way to spend some time with your family while getting some fresh air. Getting your hand dirty and seeing the fruits of your labor (both figuratively and literally) is a valuable lesson no matter your age. Gardens can be planted anywhere that receives a little sun. It can be a large area or just a small patch of flowers. If you don’t have the space for that, you can use pots or create raised beds on a porch or patio. No matter how you do it, get the whole family involved. Allow the kids to pick some of the plants and let them be “in charge” of certain tasks. They will then take pride in their garden while learning about nature and responsibility.
Create a Waterpark
On a hot summer day, playing in the water is the ideal way to spend your time. Whether you get a blow-up pool, sprinklers, or a slip and slide, take a day to get it all out, fire up the hose, and let the kids splash it out! A slip and slide, portable pool, sprinklers… use whatever you have to make it a whole day of fun.
Backyard Camping
There is nothing quite like sleeping out under the stars. But sometimes, packing up all of the gear and hitting the road isn’t an option. Backyard camping can be just as fun as the real thing, but with the perks of bathrooms, extra blankets, and a warm bed if you need it. You can set up a tent, roast marshmallows, or even set up a projector to watch your favorite movie under the night sky. It may not be roughing it, but you’re bound to make memories your kids will remember forever.
Have a Treasure Hunt
There are all sorts of ways you can approach this activity, making it as simple or as complex as you’d like. You can plan ahead, hiding clues and planting treasure along the way. Or, you can turn it into a scavenger hunt, looking for items out in nature. There are plenty of free lists and ideas you can find online to use for inspiration.
Encourage Them to Help
Summer is often the time when we clean out the garage, rake the yard, paint the fence, and do all of the chores that can’t be completed during the winter months. Instead of flipping on the TV for your kid while you complete these tasks, encourage them to help. It doesn’t have to mean laborious chores or hours of hard labor. Kids, especially younger ones, love to help out and feel needed. Painting, helping you put things away, and pulling weeds in the garden are all things kids can have a little fun with. As your kids get older, fixing the car or repairing the roof may not sound like their ideal way to spend the day, but it’s these kinds of bonding moments that provide memories and lessons that will last a lifetime.
What fun activities do you have planned to keep your kids busy this summer? We want to hear about it on Facebook! Reach out to us to learn more about the summer programs going on at the location nearest you!