National Crayon Day is coming up on March 31st, and this colorful observance is something we love to celebrate here at Youthland Academy! While we do a lot of projects at school that involve crayons, we wanted to offer a few fun ones that you can do at home with your kiddos! Most are very simple, and only require a few supplies that you likely already have around the house.
#1 – Wax Paper Suncatchers
With springtime on the horizon and sunny days ahead, it is the perfect time to make these beautiful suncatchers! All you need are crayon shavings, glue, construction paper, wax paper, an iron, scissors, and some old newspaper. Let your kid’s creativity shine by letting them choose the colors and shapes!
#2 – Crayon Scribble Art
This is a fun and simple one that most of us did in school at one point or another. Have your child either draw some loop de loops, overlapping circles, or some scribbles on a white piece of paper. Next, have then color in the different sections using all of the different colors. The end result will be a colorful and creative display that is reminiscent of stained glass or fine art!
#3 – Secret Messages
These secret notes are one of our favorite crayon projects. All you need are some old white crayons, white cardstock, and some markers. Use white crayons to write invisible messages on the cardstock. Then, have your kids use markers to make the words magically appear. Kids love them! Pro tip: wax can build up on the markers, but can wipe off very easily!
#4 – Crayon Picture Frame
This crayon frame is a great way to repurpose old crayons. As Alisha at the Felt So Cute blog suggests, this frame makes a fantastic teacher gift! All you need is a basic frame, a bunch of crayons, hot glue, a small saw, and some fine-grit sandpaper. Check out this post to see how it all comes together!
#5 – Marbled Easter Eggs
Easter is right around the corner and the perfect time to utilize old crayons to color your eggs! Using a grater, some hot water, and some kitchen tongs, you can turn your eggs into beautiful works of art! Pro tips: use non-toxic crayons, don’t mix your colors, and don’t leave your eggs in the hot water for too long! Visit The Thrifty Couple for a detailed explanation of how to get the perfect eggs.
How will you be celebrating National Crayon Day? Let us know on Facebook or in the comments if you try any of these fun projects or if you have other ideas you’d like to share! And of course, make sure that an adult is there to help when making these projects! Be sure to download our awesome coloring sheet to get the creativity flowing!